Tuesday, April 12, 2011


     This movie was interesting.  It was about two brothers that were always competing. And since Vincent was not engineered (Anton, the second born was engineered), he wanted to prove that being engineered did not mean perfection.
          It provided more evidence proving that their will never be a "perfect society" if it is man made. For example in the movie there was a part where it showed that Vincent (The first born that was not engineered)  bet Anton( The younger brother that was engineered) in a swimming race. If Anton were "perfect" and Vincent is not then Anton should or would be winning EVERYTHING. So this proved that no matter how much you mess with genes they will never be quit perfect.
       I believe that we should not mess with genes and just leave it to nature. If we continue then our society will end up like this movie of Gattaca. I'm not to sure on everyones opinion but I'm pretty sure I don't want to be robotic.