Sunday, November 28, 2010

Black Widow vs. Brown Recluse Spider

Black widow vs. Brown recluse spider

The black widow and the brown recluse are the two most common venomous spiders in the U.S. They are usually found in warm climites like the southern states in dark places like an attic or a garage

Black Widow 
  • Venom affects the nerve system
  • Some people highly affected others not it depends
  • Symptoms usually start with 20-60 minutes after the bite. 
  • Symptoms are muscle cramps, abdominal pain, weakness, and tremor may occur. If you are highly affected are nausea, vomiting, faintness, dizziness, chest pain, and trouble breathing. 
  • five different specious know in the U.S
  • half an inch long body 
  • Southern- has a shiny belly with an hourglass on it 
  • Northern-line of red dots on its back (it can have red legs)(kinda creepy)
  • nocturnal like vampires which their bites do look like little tiny vampire bites
  • only female attack human when being bothered
  • minor bites recommend a hot bath because all you may have is muscle spasm
  • severe bites need medical care which may be treated with narcotics and antivenin
Brown Recluse 
  • venom more toxic than rattle snake
  • poison affects the cells and tissue
  • symptoms start to appear 2-8 hours after venom has been injected, severe itching, nausea, vomiting, fever, and muscle pain (myalgias).
  • legs one inch long
  • violin pattern on part where legs are attached
  • all bites are recommended to be seen by a doctor 
  • attack when they feel threatened (so would I)
  • six eyes which we can't see with our eyes
Both bites can be very serious meanwhile the Brown Recluse is more affective and more severe.

The black widows protein toxic affect the nerve system. Some people reactions are more server than others. Most of the time it is treated with narcotics and antivenin.

The brown recluse spider contains a venom with many enzymes which makes it really poisonous. It destroys the cell membrane uncovering the tissue and makes nasty looking wounds and can cause a hole in the flesh known as volcano lesion. The best thing to do if bitten by this spider go seek medical care.

(P.S I got chills through out all this research especially seeing some of the pictures)


Monday, November 15, 2010

Cystic Fibrosis

Once upon a time there was a little boy and his mother; he was always having health problems. So his mommy being the good mommy she is took him to a doctor....
    Doctor: What are you feeling?
    Kid: I dont know really icky and stuff.
    Mommy: Well he has had a lot of wheezing and shortness of breath.
    Doctor: Ok I will examine and I will find out what is making you feel so icky.
A few minutes pass and the doctor has done some test. One of the test that he did was the sweat test. (The sweat test measures concentration of salt in sweat.) A few mintues later he returns.
     Doctor: I have come back with the results. (which is very unusual because it usually takes the results   some time.)
     Mommy:What is it doctor? What does my son have?
     Doctor:Your son has mucus lining the airways of his lungs. The ions aren't doing there job of bringing water to that part so this is making your son sick. Its called cystic fibrosis.
     Mommy: Is that bad or good? Is my son going to die? Is it curable?
     Doctor: Unfortuallty there is no cure for it but there is treatments you can performe to help him out.
     Mommy: Tell me what I can do!
     Doctor: Well there is antibiotics which prevent lung infections, Mucus thining drugs they reduce stickyness of mucus and make it easier to cough up. These are only two ways to treat it.
     Mommy: Ok doctor.
     Doctor: Im going to prescribe the antibiotics.
     Mommy: Ok doctor.
The doctor prescribed the antibiotics and the mommy was happy because her son is feeling better.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010