To see the effects of photosynthesis and how photosynthesis works.
- A lot of water
- aquarium snail or snails
- bromothymol
- elodea
- aquarium plant or plants
- beaker
During this lab you will fill up half the beaker with water. After doing so put some bromothymol blue as much as to get the water to one solid color. You will repeat this but one time you will add a snail, anther time a plant and after that elodea with a snail and elodea with a plant.Wait about 15 min. for each result. Record your observations. After doing that find a dark corner to put the beaker with the bromotymol blue, snail, elodea and leave there for 3 hours. Then record your results. And clean everything up dispose of materials properly if needed.
- Water + bromothymol blue = blue green This happened because carbon dioxide in water produces carbonic acid.
- Water + bromothymol blue+ snail = yellow This happened because BTB is a blue-green liquid which changes to yellow color in acid and back to blue-green when returned to a neutral pH. So its pH. is abnormal.
- Water + bromothymol blue+ plant = blue green in light This happened because BTB is a blue-green liquid when it is at its neutral pH and it is.
We see the way the effects of photosynthesis and how photosynthesis works in this lab by seeing how it absorbs sunlight with the light from the room and the plant or snail moving around is air and the water with BTB is the inside of the plant. When you set the beaker in the dark acid is created (turns yellow) because the plant need sunlight for photosynthesis and without it the plant is dead.
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