Sunday, December 12, 2010

Enzyme lab

Works of Enzymes

      The purpose of this lab is to see the rate of enzymes and how they react with different temperatures and pH. balances in the tummy.

         pH. balance solution
        controlled temperature locations(ice, warm water, and room temperature)
        testing tubes
        the measuring thing that connects to the mac

There are graphs

45 drops had the greatest reaction. This is because the more drops you put in (which the drops are  representing enzymes)  lowers the amount of energy that is required for the reactants to react. 

This graph shows that when being at a warm temperature it had more of an effect. This graph is showing that as temperature rises activity of enzymes increase. This is because in warm temperatures enzymes have more an effective collision with substrate. 

This graph shows that a lower pH. balance has a greater effect. This is happened because we were experimenting on the effects that would happen in the tummy and in the tummy a lower pH. balance reacts better.

Analyzing Data/Conclusion-
      I learned that rate of reaction is higher with more enzymes  present because the energy is being reduced for the reactants to react therefore making it more effective with more enzymes. I also learned that as temperature rises the activity of an enzyme increases.The lower pH. balance has a grater effect in the tummy because it binds better with its substrate than a higher pH. balance.

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